In Remembrance of Pastor Jerome Jackson, I., Sr.
Served as Pastor May 1986- April 2021
“Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. Luke 6:35 (NLT)
This can be a hard thing to do, even for the most devoted and committed Christian. This command of Jesus serves to remind us that doing the will of God is not always easy. Yet, doing His will is what we are called to do.
We are commanded to love, to seek the highest good, of those who may be actively working against us. Do love to those who you know may mean you no good at all. Look upon this command as a duty, not just a command. Strive to get to the point where you can do it without resentment. That’s an acquired taste.
The command to love is expanded greatly with the inclusion of, Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Lord, do you mean that I’m supposed to float “them” a loan - if they are in need - even though they may have been doing me wrong? Jesus responds, “Yes!”
My question to that is, “What’s in it for me, Lord?” The answer is simple, yet tough. Jesus says, “That’s how you demonstrate that you are a child of God. God is king to those who are ungrateful and unkind. He’s expecting you to follow His example.”
One undeniable fact is this, it is not always easy to be Christian, to live life as God would have us to live it. However, the benefits of the Christian life far outweigh any inconveniences or unpopular requirements. To be identified as a child of God is more important than anything that I could ever face.
God, empower me to do love even when the circumstances are so very undesirable and the people that I’m to do love toward are so unlovely and unlovable. Help me to get to the point where I can do this without resentment.
We will have Virtual Worship on Sundays at 10am on Facebook.